I promised I would do more to promote the site and share that traffic with other bloggers, and here’s the first step of that process: the Carnival of Video Game Bloggers!

In case you’re a little unsure, a blog carnival is a collection of posts from different authors on the same topic. Think of it as a magazine – there’s a deadline and an editor, and everyone who wants to get involved submits their articles. The carnival is then published online with links to the articles, and participants read, write and share their thoughts with each other. It’s really a very communal occasion, and always turns up lots of interesting reading material.

The Carnival of Video Game Bloggers starts on February the 19th, right here at The Collected Writings of James Newton. For more information, and to submit your articles or offer to be a host, I recommend using the carnival’s homepage, which you can find here.

I hope you submit your article and come back to enjoy the carnival on the 19th of February!