Date archives for January, 2011

January 27th, 2011

Top Screen Backlight to Blame for 3DS Battery Life

Too bright by half

There's no dressing it up: the 3DS's battery life of 3 - 5 hours is disappointing. Ryuji Umezu, the system designer, talked to Nintendo President Satoru Iwata about the many features that sap away the machine's battery life, with the main culprit, as you would expect, the 3D top screen.


Sony’s Next Generation Portable is PlayStation Move On the Go

Machine contains identical motion sensors

Sony's Next Generation Portable (NGP) is the successor to PlayStation Portable, and with an impressive feature set including a quad-core processor, 5" OLED screen and games including Uncharted, Killzone, Call of Duty and more. Unveiled in Japan this morning, it's already ignited the gaming media with talk of its graphical power and games line-up, but one of its most under-discussed features is its motion-sensing capabilities that effectively make it a portable PlayStation Move.


Profits Down 46% As Nintendo Makes $1.3 Billion

Cuts sales projections for Wii and DS

The accounting period just before launching a new console is always a tough one: who's likely to shell out for a machine when a newer, shinier model is on the horizon? Perhaps that's partly to blame for a sharp decrease in Nintendo's third-quarter profits which saw the company's operating profit drop to $1.3 billion / £814m, compared with $2.31 billion / £1.4 billion for the same period in the previous year.


Killzone 3 Gets a Single Player Demo Next Month, Too

Soloing and goodbye

Plenty has been made of Killzone 3's multiplayer mode, but don't forget it has a proper single player campaign mode. If you did forget, Sony wants to remind you by launching a single player demo on the PlayStation Store next month.


Carnival Games: In Action Strikes Kinect in April

All the fun of the fair

2K Games had a huge amount of success on Wii with casual game collections – Big Beach Sports and Carnival Funfair Games both sold millions of copies, so it's only natural the publisher is bringing Carnival Games: In Action to Kinect in April.


Podcast: Episode 20 – Jon and James Talk 3DS

Information, impressions and intelligent discussion

It's been a long old time since the Nintendo Life podcast graced your earholes, but if ever there was an occasion to resurrect the series it would be Nintendo's 3DS events in New York and Amsterdam.


Test Your Skills in European Modern Combat: Domination League

Prizes up for grabs

You know the story: you've reached the top of the 72 levels available in Modern Combat: Domination, destroying all in your path, and you're after a real challenge. If you live in Europe, your wish is about to come true.


Smell the Burning Rubber in this Ridge Racer 3DS Trailer

Looking tyred?

Namco Bandai's flagship racing franchise is pulling donuts in the car park as it waits for the release of 3DS in March, but rather than show you that the publisher wants you to see this new trailer instead.


What Do You Make of This 3DS Prototype?

Better than the real thing?

Nintendo consoles go through countless prototypes before the final version hits the shop shelves, so it's no surprise that the 3DS didn't always look the same way it does now. The newest instalment of Iwata Asks, in which Nintendo President Satoru Iwata chews the fat with his colleagues, reveals a few interesting prototypes of the 3DS console.


If PSP2 has Everybody's Golf 3, I will buy it. Simple.

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