Date archives for May, 2010

May 24th, 2010

Get Behind the Scenes at Grasshopper this Friday

Chat live with developers online

It's not every day you get the chance to have a nosey around barmy Japanese developer Grasshopper Manufacture, home of Suda51's No More Heroes, but this Friday you'll get just that chance as the company is hosting a live web broadcast to celebrate the European and Australian release of No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle at 8 pm in Japan. That means noon GMT, or 7 am Eastern.


Review: Discolight

Dancer in the dark

The hotly-anticipated sequel to Flashlight, Discolight is the next big thing to hit DSiWare. Not familiar with it? Well, wait until you hear what it can do.


I'm off to visit @meremortals today to ask about DSiWare Pocket Packs and the stress of being an independent UK developer. Should be good!

May 23rd, 2010

Review: Chicago Blackhawks Prepare for Stanley Cup with a Little Mario Kart

Competitive team sports are all about bonding as a unit: maximising each other's unique abilities, communicating well and working together towards a common goal. Pretty much the opposite of Mario Kart Wii then, but tell that to the Chicago Blackhawks who like to chill out with the game as part of their Stanley Cup preparations.


Review: Suda 51 Interested in Killer7 Sequel, No Plans for NMH3

Our good friends over at Cubed3 recently snagged an interview with Suda51 of No More Heroes fame, probing him about any upcoming projects on the horizon from his Grasshopper Manufacture team. Although he didn't confirm any new projects he did lay down some tantalising hints, including his desire to return to cult GameCube and PlayStation 2 release killer7.

Cubed3: With ‘Grasshopper’ and’Suda51’ becoming so popular now, do you want to see killer7 re-released or re-made?


May 22nd, 2010

Review: Get Heard on the Nintendo Life Podcast!

What are your hopes for E3? Let us know!

It's just over three weeks until Nintendo's big E3 show on June 15th when we'll finally get our first look at the new Legend of Zelda, the 3DS and plenty of other surprises too.


Got a US Wii now: cue importing of Harvest Moon games years before their EU release. Can anyone recommend any good sites to buy from?

Review: Miyamoto Loves it When Games Resonate

Latest Iwata Asks translated

It's been well-documented that the development of Super Mario Galaxy 2 posed a few tricky decisions for the team: starting out as Super Mario Galaxy 1.5, the role of the story was much-discussed inside Nintendo, with different team members arguing for more or less story. All this led Shigeru Miyamoto to a realisation: he prefers games that resonate rather than ones with overt stories.


May 21st, 2010

Review: New Making of Jett Rocket Blog Opens

Anticipation around these parts for Shin'en Multimedia's WiiWare platformer Jett Rocket is pretty high at the moment, with everything released on it so far pointing to a quality platforming title on the way. How did they make it so shiny, though? The official behind the scenes blog should answer those questions.


Review: Digital Leisure Gets on the WiiWare Decks with Mix Superstar

New music production tools incoming

Everyone's after a slice of the music gaming pie these days, with the latest – and arguably one of the most impressive – titles being the pocket studio Rytmik. Now Digital Leisure is aiming to do for WiiWare what Cinemax did for DSiWare with the announcement of Mix Superstar.


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